サークル活動 Ingrid Mckinney

United States , Da Nang


Homework rules
1. Homework must be completed on the day they are received Any material learned in the lesson is quickly forgotten. The German psychologist G. Ebbinghaus in 1885, on the basis of his experiments, established the speed of forgetting. In the first hours after memorizing fresh material, the completeness of memorization rapidly drops down. It is during these hours that the bulk of information disappears. During the first 10 hours after memorization, 65% of the information received disappears. Further, the intensity of forgetting decreases and by the end of the second day, another 10% of information disappears. Thus, after two days, only 25% of what he remembered earlier remains in the person's memory.  

This psychological phenomenon finds its explanation in physiology. The fact is that the newly formed nerve connections are fragile and easily inhibited. Inhibition is most pronounced immediately after the formation of a temporary connection. Consequently, forgetting occurs most intensively immediately after the perception of the studied material. That is why, in order to prevent forgetting the knowledge learned in the lesson, it is necessary to immediately carry out the work.but fixing them. That is why, in all teaching aids, it is strongly recommended that you complete your homework assignments on the day you receive them. So, if the lesson on the subject "The World Around" was on Tuesday, and the next one will be in a week, then homework should be taught on Tuesday after school. A week later, on Monday evening, on the eve of the next assignment, you need to repeat what was taught earlier.

The educational material, fixed on the day of its perception, is retained longer in memory. Therefore, most of the work on assimilating and fixing the studied material in memory should be carried out on the day of its perception, followed by repetition on the eve of the next lesson.

2. Performing written assignments should begin with a repetition of theoretical material, ie. from work on the textbook . 

The repetition of theoretical material required to complete written assignments is mainly due to two reasons.

Firstly, before completing the written assignments, it is always good to remember the theoretical material in order to make it easier to find a way to solve the written assignments and justify your choice.

Secondly, the repetition of the material as a result of oral and written work increases the strength of the fastening of the material. The fact is that there are four types of memory: visual, auditory, motor (motor) and mixed. Most people have a mixed memory, i.e. they have, to one degree or another, developed elements of all three main types of memory (visual, auditory, and motor). In this case, it is useful to more or less evenly use all the techniques: reading to oneself, writing down, listening, and retelling oneself. Sometimes it's hard to do your homework after spending so much time on it. There are a variety of reasons. Regardless, you need to do them anyway. Therefore, do not hesitate to apply for essay help , so as not to lose your position in the class.

According to the psychology of perception, even if a person has a type of memory with a pronounced dominance of one basic type (for example, only visual memory), he assimilates the material much better if he uses all three basic methods.

When working with a textbook, the order of actions for students is as follows:

  •                      remember what remains in memory from the lesson (from notes in a notebook and drawings in a textbook);
  •                      read a paragraph of a textbook assigned to your home, highlighting the main idea of ​​the text, highlighted rules;
  •                      try to reproduce the material (retell aloud or silently, make a plan for what you read, answer the questions of the textbook);
  •                      in case of difficulties, it is necessary to study the textbook again and achieve a free reproduction of the material.

Active reproduction of knowledge and self-control in the process of mastering the studied material increase the student's interest in comprehending and assimilating knowledge. Thanks to this, the material is remembered more strongly.

The work on the assimilation and reproduction of difficult educational material has its own specifics. It is advisable to divide complex material (text) into several semantic units. If the text is very large and complex, then each part must be taught and reproduced separately. At the same time, it is advisable to arrange a short rest (5-10 minutes) between each of the parts.

When doing homework, as well as in any other form of educational work, the level of students' interest in the subject under study and this type of educational work plays an important role. A high level of interest not only enhances perseverance and perseverance in mastering knowledge, but also increases the desire of students to overcome difficulties on their own - the student diligently performs the exercises and selects the most convenient methods and techniques of educational work.

The degree of students' comprehension of the studied material is very important. Knowledge based on an understanding of patterns and cause-and-effect relationships persists for a longer time. According to Professor N.A. Rybnikov , the productivity of meaningful memorization is 20 times higher than mechanical memorization. Therefore, when assimilating the studied material, it is not necessary , first of all, to pay attention to memorizing the rules and conclusions. Quite the opposite, the main efforts of the teacher should be directed to the search for the internal connection of knowledge, so that the students see and understand the reasons that led to the appearance of this or that phenomenon. And then, when the student understood - "why", move on to memorizing the rules and generalized conclusions. It is necessary that conclusions and generalizations are not learned mechanically, but appear in the minds of schoolchildren as a logical consequence of the analysis of the material being studied.

3. Beginning with the practical tasks, you should review the exercises that were performed in the class and remember how they were performed and why it was so. This technique helps students to establish a connection between homework and training exercises in the classroom, to quickly recall the peculiarities of completing tasks of this type.   

4. Doing your homework is best done in a few cycles . 

This means that after the assignments in all subjects need to make a break for 10-15 minutes, and then repeat the job, playing them in the same sequence as that and for the first time. This delayed repetition increases the degree of memorization of the material and contributes to the development of the student's skill to quickly switch from one topic to another.

Loops are especially effective when performing tasks of a high degree of difficulty or creative tasks when the child cannot immediately solve the problem. Typically, junior schoolchildren leave such assignments “for parents” and turn to them for help. Parents (grandparents), seeing that the child does not know the solution to this problem, solve it for him and then explain the solution method or (which happens much less often, since not all parents have developed pedagogical abilities) "lead" the student to the correct way of solving the problem. This way of completing the task also has a positive meaning, but if the student had completed this task on his own, the effect would have been much higher. Therefore, it is necessary to offer students a cyclical way of completing complex tasks.

If the child, while completing his homework in mathematics, could not solve the problem, then there is no need to despair, but you should simply postpone this task and finish the rest of the tasks in this subject. After that, you should start completing assignments in another subject. When the assignments in all other subjects are completed, it is necessary to take a break. After a short break, moving on to the second cycle, the student repeats what has already been completed and again returns to solving the unfulfilled problem. Here he, repeating the theoretical material of the lesson held in the classroom, again makes an attempt to solve the problem. If the task is not solved again, then after some time he leaves it and finishes repeating other subjects. After the end of the second cycle, you need to take a short break and try to solve a difficult problem for the third time. If your child is not at all able to solve complex problems and there is no time left, contact the specialists https://essayassistant.org/homework-help/ for help.


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