情報交換 Writing tips

st 14 , Quang Tri

But no matter how hard you work, there are certain things that you can do to make it easier. For me, writing is a job which involves routine. I love to follow a pattern with my days and I seem to get more done that way. And I’ve found over the years I’ve been working as a writer that there are a few daily habits I’ve picked up which have made my working days easier. Here are three of them which you might want to consider. If you have problems understanding grammar or organization of work, you can use write my thesis services.

1. Daily Backups

I am a big fan of backing up, and I backup all my work throughout the day. Don’t worry if this sounds like a hassle: it’s really not. New tools are available that make it a cinch, and you can save yourself a whole world of grief by doing a few simple actions each day.

The service I use is Dropbox. Once you’ve set it up it works in the background and doesn’t get in the way at all. Whenever I finish working on an article I simply copy it over into the Dropbox folder and it is automatically backed up to the ‘cloud’. That way I know that everything I do is retrievable from anywhere and I don’t have to worry about losing any work again.

I also carry out a larger monthly backup onto a DVD so that I’ve got a hard copy of all my files. You can’t be too safe and when you write a lot of articles each month you don’t want to have to do them all over again if something goes wrong.

2. Archive All Emails

Some people delete articles once they have read or answered them, but I would seriously recommend keeping hold of every single email you get (apart from junk mail).

You just never know when you might need to refer back to an email, and if you get in the habit of deleting them then you could find yourself in a pickle at some point.

Most email services provide huge amounts of storage space so there should not be any worry about running out of space. I tend to keep my emails in my inbox until I’ve dealt with them, kind of like a ‘to do’ list, and then I archive them in a folder. Most of the time I never look at them again, but sometimes you may have to, so I would say this is definitely worth doing.

3. Keep Detailed Records

I keep a record of practically everything I do as a freelance writer. I have a list of contacts for marketing, and I make a record of when I contact them and when I get a response so I can always refer back to it in the future if I can’t remember whether I have already contacted someone before.

I also keep a record of every single payment that comes through, as well as payments that I make, and any fees I get charged by services such as Facebook. I simply jot these down in a notepad and then type it up to a spreadsheet once a week so that everything is in one place.

I often have so much going on that it can be really difficult to keep track of everything. By keeping everything written down I find that this makes my life a lot simpler.

Start Your Own Daily Habits

Getting into a few good habits like these will make your life as a freelance writer a lot easier. Once you start doing them every day then they start to become automatic and you don’t really think about them. They don’t take long, but they can certainly save a lot of time and hassle down the line when you need to retrieve a file, find an old email or check the odd detail. Try them out and see if they make your life easier!

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